Have you ever experienced the “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons” error? This explains it and how to fix it.
Using MFA in Wordfence
The following will show you how to set up MFA (Multi-factor authentication) on WordPress Admin user accounts using the Wordfence Plugin.
WordPress Get Current User ID
This useful PHP code snippet shows you how to use a WordPress function to get the user id as a PHP string variable and displaying it using echo.
WordPress Top 40
It would appear that WordPress has increased its market share to 40% of the top ten million websites on the Internet, according to Alexa
GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin
The GDPR Cookie Consent WordPress plugin by webtoffee will make your WordPress website General Data Protection Regulation compliant.
Alexa Rank for kodeJ
Currently, kodeJ.com is ranked 2,911,927 on the Alexa.com site tracking website. Alexa.com, an Amazon-owned company, tracks Internet traffic.