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PHP Data Types

In PHP, data types are essential for storing and manipulating different kinds of information. Understanding these data types is crucial for effective programming. In this lesson, we’ll explore PHP’s core data types, including String, Integer, Float, Boolean, Array, Object, NULL, and Resource.

1. String:

  • Strings are sequences of characters, enclosed in single (”) or double (“”) quotes.
  • Example: $name = "John";

2. Integer:

  • Integers are whole numbers, positive or negative, without a decimal point.
  • Example: $count = 42;

3. Float (Double):

  • Floats, or double-precision numbers, can hold decimal values.
  • Example: $price = 19.99;

4. Boolean:

  • Booleans represent true or false values.
  • Example: $is_active = true;

5. Array:

  • Arrays store multiple values in a single variable, often indexed or associative.

6. Object:

  • Objects are instances of user-defined classes, containing both data and functions (methods).

7. NULL:

  • NULL represents the absence of a value or uninitialized variables.
  • Example: $data = null;

8. Resource:

  • Resources are special variables that hold references to external resources, like database connections or file handles.
  • Example: $file = fopen('example.txt', 'r');

Understanding these data types and how to work with them is fundamental to PHP development. They enable you to handle diverse data effectively and create dynamic, feature-rich applications.