JavaScript Syntax

Understanding the basics of JavaScript syntax, values, variables, operators, and expressions is essential for building effective and efficient JavaScript applications.

JavaScript Syntax:
JavaScript code follows a specific syntax or structure, consisting of keywords, variables, and expressions. Here’s an example of a basic JavaScript code structure:

JavaScript Values:

JavaScript values are data that can be assigned to variables. There are two types of JavaScript values: primitive values and object values.

JavaScript Variables:

JavaScript variables are containers that store data values. There are two ways to declare a variable in JavaScript: using let or const.


JavaScript Operators:
JavaScript operators are used to perform operations on values. There are different types of operators, including arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, and bitwise operators.

JavaScript Expressions:
JavaScript expressions produce a value. Expressions can be formed using values, variables, operators, and function calls.


It is important to note that JavaScript is case sensitive. This means that uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as distinct characters in JavaScript code. For example, myVariable and myvariable are two different variables in JavaScript. It is important to be consistent with the use of capitalization in JavaScript code to avoid errors.

JavaScript Syntax Summary
In conclusion, understanding the basics of JavaScript syntax, values, variables, operators, and expressions is crucial for building effective and efficient JavaScript applications.