Import CSV to MySQL Table Using PHP
Importing data from a CSV file into a MySQL database is a common requirement in web development, especially with spreadsheets.
DataTables JavaScript Library
DataTables is a powerful jQuery plugin that enhances standard HTML tables with advanced features like sorting, pagination, and searching.
What is Headless WordPress?
Headless WordPress is an approach in web development where WordPress serves as back-end and front-end is completely open.
Divi Logo Animated CSS Effect
The following CSS animates the Divi Theme logo. The logo fades in and slides into place from the left. Just add CSS to Divi Theme Options.
WordPress 100 Year Domain Names
Dubbed the “Century-Long Domain Registration Plan,” this visionary initiative is poised to redefine the landscape of digital ownership.
Bye get_magic_quotes_runtime()
As a PHP developer, you may have come across the get_magic_quotes_runtime() function, which has been deprecated in PHP 7.4.0,